We deliver worldwide using one of the most reliable and fast shipping methods. Currently, all orders are shipped using FEDEX priority.
Shipping is FREE when you spend over $100.
There will be no additional costs upon delivery – taxes and duties are included in all prices.
Your order may take up to 5 to 10 business days to prepare. Once your parcel ships, we will send a confirmation email with tracking information.
Transit times may vary due to customs delays. If you're having trouble with your order, please don't hesitate to contact us at
Orders that are not received by the recipient and therefore sent back will be deducted a shipping fee.
This rarely happens but we are not responsible for packages that may become lost in transit. Locating the package is the recipient's responsibility. We will, however, do everything in our power to assist you.
It is the responsibility of the customer to track their package and monitor its status. If delivery was made without signature in your favor, we cannot guarantee for the lost or damaged.
Please note, It is the customer's responsibility to locate their package if they have entered an incorrect shipping address or contact number.